Sunday, April 17, 2011

Old data!

Since the Moon is full, I've been taking the time to work out kinks in my new imaging rig, and clean up my image archives.  I stumbled upon a few in my files that I apparently stacked but never processed for whatever reason.  Here's M13 - 20x30sec with my old Hyperstar setup, and M81/M82 - 20x30sec.  No darks, no flats.  These had to have been some of my original test shots with the Hyperstar prior to adding a wedge and autoguiding.  There's no other reason I would have shot for that short of an exposure time.  None of these are top notch obviously, but it was fun to see how much I could pull out of these early shots.  I also have M17, but can't seem to get it uploaded without serious degradation.  Still working on it.

Click the images to maximize - lots of jpg compression artifacts in the small-scale versions that go away in full scale...

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